Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ready for Advent

In Switzerland we have prior to Christmas the tradition to give the children every day in December a small gift. So 24 gifts in total. By having these gifts ready I am also ready to start December 2011. I wish you all a peace- and thoughtful Christmas time.

NiKo's gifts are the blue ones, Jana's the figures etc.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Last day at UBS

After 11,5 years I had today my last day at UBS. My team gave me yesterday two great bye bye gifts, one picture mouse mat and an iPod shuffle. I guess I will rather use that one on my biking tours then while I am jogging :).

Yesterday Hari and I baked some saffron-cardamon-cookies. Today I had a farewell lunch with Eugenia and her team, thanks for the nice Thai food, it was very nice to chat with you there. Very stuffed I returned to my desk.

At 5pm I returned all UBS belongings and left Suntec Tower 5.

I will go to the office in Switzerland on December 22, 2011 to say goodbye.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How it all started

A few months back Linda was feeling locked in Singapore and told Dimitrije that she want to leave Garden City as soon as possible. Dimitrije started to look for opportunities in Australia but more as early market survey.
To see if we could imagine to live in Australia we decided to plan our autumn holiday in Perth. One week before the trip was about to start the decision was made, that Dimitrije will discontinue his position with Masstrans. So we decided not only to check out the life style but also the job market while we are there. Thanks to our dear friends in Perth Craig, Chemutai and Chemeli who offered us shelter during our stay, we really had the chance to see and feel how life in Perth is like. From all sides we got support in finding a job and Dimitrije in the End had two very tempting offers of which he accepted one. Currently our 4-5-7 Visa application in in progress.

In the meanwhile Dimitrije took over a short term assignment in Malaysia, where he is working in Port Klang. We don't see each other much, which is hard but Dimirtrije has a great chance to extend is work experience.