Monday, January 16, 2012

Dimitrije's Visa approved... plans carry on

Finally Dimitrije's Visa got approved and he is now legally working in Perth. His first official working day was yesterday and he is very excited about it.

In the meanwhile, Mami, Bappi and I are trying to settle the things in Perth, find a house, find a car, find a solution until we can move into the new house. At the moment it looks like we would spend a few weeks in a Caravan which later will be great for traveling. Of course we are also looking into other solutions.

Our favorite new home is:

1 comment:

  1. Hej, das gseht alles super us. Bi üs häts mega vil schnee, chalt isch es und de chind muen i weissi wie viel azieh... Würd am liebschte au uf australie cho. Wünsch eui en guete start i eurem geniale hüsli. Mir sind au uf de suechi nach erem neue dihei. Üsi 90 quadratmeter wärdet langsam chli chli für üs 5 und büesi.
